Food Tips

Should I Eat Fast

A question that seems to be asked with increasing frequency. And one for which the answer is never a straightforward yes or no. Intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting can be extremely useful in weight loss and therefore hormone balancing as fat is metabolically and endocrinologically active. The reason for this in the combined reduction [...]

Should I Eat Fast2020-02-28T15:54:50+00:00

Antibiotics, Probiotics, Prebiotics

There is a lot in the press about pro- and prebiotics at the moment and Tatu wanted to provide a more in-depth look at the topic. She also includes her killer kimchii recipe to give you an alternative form of probiotic. Microflora and disease processes: the link Each human has a vast number [...]

Antibiotics, Probiotics, Prebiotics2020-02-28T15:44:33+00:00

Should I Eat Fast?

Are you lost when it comes to thinking about what you will be eating for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Is it often quite a stressful process? Well, our resident chef, Tatu Bearcroft has the answers. In this post Tatu shares 6 simple things to consider when choosing the best food fuel for you [...]

Should I Eat Fast?2020-02-28T15:52:44+00:00

Raw Versus Cooked

When is a raw food diet a good idea? Ulcerative colitis, intestinal blockage, low stomach acid, SIBO and a number of other digestive complaints should be closely monitored by a specialist if a move towards raw foods is desired. If low stomach acid, low digestive enzymes, microflora imbalance along with slow transit time [...]

Raw Versus Cooked2020-02-28T15:55:50+00:00
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