Our Tribe of Wild Experts

Professional, dedicated, inspirational, but most importantly compassionate and committed to helping you achieve your goals

Our coaches are united in their belief in the three Wildfitness pillars and exude the benefits of our philosophy. Wildfitness is not just a job to them, it is a lifestyle: something they live and breathe, both on the retreats and in their daily lives.

With over three quarters of a century of experience between them our coaches bring a wide variety of skills and professional experience to the Wildfitness community. Drawing upon knowledge from a range of different fields including yoga, martial arts, running, professional sports, parkour, dance, nutrition, and bushcraft, to name just a few. With all this expertise at hand our team are here to guide you along your journey to realising your full potential during a retreat experience of a lifetime.

Our Coaches

Meet our team of coaches ready to warmly welcome you into the Wildfitness tribe and make sure you have a huge amount of fun on your Wildfitness journey!

Hannah Beadle: CEO
Hannah Beadle: CEO
With a background in high level sports and over a decade of coaching experience Hannah has grown up in the health and fitness industry.

“Through my passion for natural human movement and wellbeing I want to remind those whose lives I have the pleasure of being even the smallest part of, what it truly means to be human. I want to show them, to show you, the world that we have forgotten to notice and the endless possibilities that lay within”.

Hannah believes that for many this is the missing piece of the puzzle that will send you on a journey of living healthier, realising your true potential, achieving your goals and ultimately thriving as a human being.

“For me Wildfitness is not just a philosophy but a natural, sustainable, fundamentally human and truly transformational way of life”.

Luis Livermore
Luis Livermore
Luis is our resident Menorquín world champion Balearic slinger with over 12 years of coaching experience in functional training, professional basketball and water sports.

"For me Wildfitness is not just a few days, hours or moments of training and learning about nutrition. Wildfitness is so much more than this...Wildfitness is an experience!
One that will not only stay with you for life but also leave you with memories of fondness and satisfaction".

Samantha George
Samantha George
“Our bodies are always communicating with us, we have just been taught to ignore them. The principles of Wildfitness help us to peel back the layers and re-establish this connection whether in the form of movement, nutrition or lifestyle”

Samantha believes that movement should be playful and fun, food should be nutritious and tasty and our lives should be a balance of excitement and relaxation - something she hopes that every Wildfitness client takes home with them.

Chris Odle
Chris Odle
Chris believes that ones journey to deep health should not only involve sufficient, species appropriate movement but also genuine rest, a balanced diet (that is rich in fresh, whole foods), access to clean air and clean water combined with a genuine human connection and sincere emotional expression, playfulness, joy and purpose.

"It is not just about how you move and how you eat, but how you exist, think, respond, and problem solve in the world around you.
Why not join us on a Wildfitness retreat to experience all of these factors for yourself and to begin your journey towards deep health."

Odhran White
Odhran White
Odhran believes that movement should know no bounds and is a gift for all to explore and enjoy. A gift that gives us the opportunity to express and feel more fully in this world.

"My passion lies in feeling free within my own body, to explore any terrain or discipline, free of limitations. I am fuelled by the joy that movement brings me in life, sport and the disciplines I practice such as gymnastics, parkour and climbing anything that looks like it could hold my weight!"

"The joy that I experience when moving in my body is the joy that I want to share and spread throughout this world. My greatest pleasure comes from helping people achieve things they never believed they could...to help people, just like you reading this, believe more in your own power than ever before."

Farid Herrera
Farid Herrera
Farid comes from a diverse movement background including gymnastics, parkour, strength & conditioning and mobility training. He has spent the last 9 years delivering international movement workshops and working 1:1 with people in the UK. Helping them to increase their flexibility and overall quality of movement through a variety of tasks, exercises and challenges.

"The body responds to the activity that you do", says Farid. " If your activity is limited, then your body will also be limited".

"Wildfitness combines exercise, movement, play and nutrition to provide an entire lifestyle package. This is crucial in helping it's end users integrate what they learn on retreat into their own lives".

Grant Cartin
Grant Cartin
Grant began his career in health and fitness 15 years ago.
Since then he has attended a multitude of seminars, workshops and training courses, gaining qualifications including: Sports Therapist, Personal Trainer, Mobility Specialist, Sports Massage, Fitness Movement Specialist and Yoga Instructor.
Grant strives to live a life which consolidates his love for travelling, the great outdoors, and studying the boundless potential of the human body.
Josh Valentine
Josh Valentine
Josh will forever be a part of the Wildfitness tribe and we will carry his spirit with us wherever we go and on every adventure we find ourselves on.

Josh always said that "the adventure begins when the plan ends". He made his living as a guide and instructor in mountaineering, climbing, and wilderness survival, writing, safety and photography work in adventure film and TV.

“I believe profoundly that identifying the source and solution to any problem begins by finding its original purpose or precedence in nature. Once I learned about the Wildfitness approach, I was blown away by how much more I understood about so many things that I already thought or did, as well as how much more there was to learn and expand upon. I was hooked instantly.”


Take some time and treat yourself.

Book your retreat of a lifetime now.